
4 Mistakes to Avoid in a Commercial LED Retrofit

Here at Have Lights Will Travel, we’ve worked on hundreds of LED retrofits for businesses across Nevada and California. We’ve seen business owners and companies make the same mistakes again and again, simply because they lack the experience to know better. If you’re considering upgrading the lighting in your business, start from a place of knowledge. Here are four mistakes to avoid in a commercial LED retrofit.

Skipping the Comparison Stage

While many people are familiar with the improved energy efficiency of LEDs, they don’t always realize what that energy efficiency means in terms of light quality. A 10-watt LED will illuminate as well as a 100-watt incandescent bulb, which can mean fewer lights needed in a space. To truly get a sense of what your facility needs, don’t skip the comparison stage. LEDs are available in different temperatures and lumens, and efficiently meeting the unique lighting needs of your facility is best done with a bit of experimenting. An experienced contractor should also be able to make recommendations.

Going by the Bottom Line Alone

While the goal of an LED retrofit is ultimately to save money, it’s a mistake to make decisions on the bottom line alone. Not all LEDs are created equally, and with more manufacturers pushing product, be choosy about quality. Here at Have Lights, we only sell and recommend reputable LED brands that meet standards from both Environmental Testing Laboratories (ETL) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL), but we can’t speak for other electrical contractors. A word of caution — cutting corners with the cheapest LEDs will likely backfire down the road and end up costing you more in replacements..

Not Considering a Budget for Future Replacements

One of the biggest selling points of LEDs is their longevityBut while they will last much longer than traditional lighting, not even LEDs last forever. In a facility setting with regular, single-shift operating hours, LEDs last roughly 10 years — long enough to have enjoyed a return on the initial retrofit investment. Still, LED technology is moving quickly. And a decade from now, the LEDs you’ll need to replace could be obsolete. Be mindful about planning for necessary replacements in the future — it’s farther away than it would be with another light technology, but it’s still inevitable.

Forgetting to Check for Rebates

Because of their vastly improved energy efficiency, LED retrofits are often eligible for rebates from utility companies or even city, county, and state governments. Checking these options ahead of time will help ensure you meet any eligibility requirements, so start researching early. Ask your electrical contractor for guidance, as they should be up-to-date on local rebates.

In Nevada and California, Have Lights Will Travel has helped hundreds of businesses upgrade their lighting to LEDs. Contact us today, and we’ll create a plan that will brighten your business in more ways than one.